Like all marketing communication, the first objective of POP (point of purchase or point of sale marketing) is to capture a consumer’s attention with a compelling message. POP cannot simply inventory product. If your POP is a display with brown cardboard on all three sides, customers won’t notice your products. If your package is not a brown box, then what is your display?
Sure, putting your product in a white display with a 4-colour header might provide contrast, but that still does little to convince a consumer why she should buy your product over your competitor’s. A consumer will buy your product because there is a perceived value and benefit to her – and your POP should be conveying your brand’s benefit.
Think of Election Day. All parties ran an aggressive ad campaign. The voter has pencil in hand and is ready to make her decision. If your candidate were allowed to advertise in the voting booth, wouldn’t you have a competitive advantage? Think of the consumer as a voter; instead of a pencil in her hand she has cash in her hand, and she’s ready to make her decision.
In the same way, POP can influence decisions. Most consumers today are undecided and are easily influenced. We are all looking for a change, a fresher, richer, healthier, cheaper or more fulfilling promise. Since 76% of all purchase decisions are made in-store, you should put more time, attention and strategic design into your POP material.
Point of Sale Marketing can help carry your message through, reinforce your brand and help close the sale.
Respect the store’s culture, understand their customers, and design POP that not only supports your brand but also addresses the needs and shopping behavior of those customers. POP can be designed with all of this in mind, and still be produced efficiently.